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1st Grade


Welcome to First Grade!!

The First Grade Team is very excited about this school year!  We have planned innovative engaging lessons for our students.  Some of our literacy goals this year include identify, manipulate, and represent substantial sounds in words, learn to decode words accurately and fluently, use decoding and comprehension strategies to make sense of text, become independent writers, raise questions for exploration and investigation, and increase vocabulary acquisition through read alouds and shared reading of complex texts. Some of our math goals include read, write, and extend the counting sequence to 120, compare 2-digit numbers, fluently add and subtract within 20, and understand place value tens and ones. In science we will learn about magnets, plants, and seasons. Our social studies lessons will include learning about people like Ruby Bridges and Theodore Roosevelt. 

 You will find our contact information below. Please feel free to contact us. It’s going to be a great year!


The First Grade Team