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2nd Grade

C:\Users\calexander\Pictures\2nd grade rocks.jpg


Welcome to Second Grade! We are thrilled to work with your child this year. We hope you enjoyed a safe, healthy and relaxing summer. Our curriculum this year is packed with experiences that focus on performance based learning. Your child will be exposed to rigorous academic expectations that develop and support critical thinking skills. 

Each child will become increasingly independent as the year progresses. Students will cultivate independent work habits such as reading the entire directions for seat work, self-monitoring behavior, collaborating with classmates in problem solving activities, turning in work complete and on time, and being respectful to others. We have high expectations for each student; with shared commitment between the student, parent, and teacher. 

Please note that this grade level website serves as a landing page.  All updates will be given through the Google classroom. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. 


2nd Grade Team