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Media Center


Tara Elementary Media Center serves as an extension of the classroom. The media center utilizes flexible scheduling and cooperative planning with teachers.


The media center is open from 7:25 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and available to students during the instructional day from 7:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.

Individual students may utilize the media center by obtaining permission from their classroom teacher.  Three students from each class may come to the media center at one time. Each student should sign in and get their library card from the holder.


Schedules for the Media Center, laptops, and equipment are available for planning.

Students, teachers and staff may check out materials after attending Media Center Orientation. Media Center Orientation will provide skills necessary to access materials, review circulation policies, demonstrate appropriate behavior and highlight AV equipment available.


K & 1st

One book


Two books

Students with overdue books will be limited in their check out privileges until the overdue book is returned. Students who need a book, but have limitations on their library checkout may access materials from the Readbox so as not to inhibit their reading. 

At the end of the school year, report cards for students with overdue or missing materials will be held until the materials are returned or paid for. New students will also not be limited in their check out until previous school debts have been satisfied.

Lost or damaged materials must be replaced or paid for by both students and staff. Books purchased for replacement must have library bindings. One dollar will also be collected for the labeling materials, such as the barcode and spine labels.

This policy is supported by GA Law, Code 20-2-1013 (b) and GA Department of Education Policy, Code 160-5-1-12 (h).